Meet my friends
I’m so lucky to be working with funny, creative, smart, talented people who share my mission to make kids laugh. (Seriously, I only collect the good ones.) Here are some of my favorite partners in fun:
My Best Book

My Best Book is a project very close to my heart. We create personalized books in cooperation with health organizations and child care professionals. Our mission is to empower every child we reach with our books.
Annecatrine Borup

Annecatrine is a living angel with a heart of gold (and one of my best friends). She is dedicated to helping others feel better and it was a pleasure to help her write her book “Hjernerystelse – en guide til en bedre hverdag”. Annecatrine suffered a severe concussion in 2015 and spent years fighting her way back to a new normal. Through all her struggles, she found a new mission – she wants to help others navigate their way back from post commotional syndrome to a life they can enjoy by sharing her experience. The book was an instant success and has been featured in magazines, on TV and newspapers.

My very funny and talented friend Dr. DOINK (AKA Mikkel Stubbe Teglbjærg) is responsible for the illustrations on this website, as well as the illustrations for my first books. He always knows what the characters in my head look like, and he has a unique way of making them all come to life just perfectly. Pay him (and all his fabulous invisible friends) a visit – he’s the best doctor I know.
Signe Johanne Rhode

Signe and I are BBBFs (Best Book Buddies Forever). We have worked together on several book projects and all other kinds of fun stuff, from apps for kids to her attempting to teach me how to kayak, since 2014. I was honored to contribute to her first book “HVORFOR skal jeg sove?” (WHY do I have to sleep?”. Her first four books are out now in Danish (coming soon to other markets). Find them here.